The 8 best 0w20 Oils In review [2021]

Good engine oil can make or break a motorized tool or a vehicle. It leads to better mileage, cleaner fuel combustion, engine protection and better power among others. That's why if your vehicle or motorized tools are starting to act up, don't go to conclusions to fast. An immediate oil change might be what it takes to solve the issue.

We tried looking for the best 0w20 oil on Amazon. Luckily, we found some products that consumers can trusts. Read this article to know about our unbiased impressions about these products.

Best 0w20 Oils Reviews

Editor's Choice

Backyard's Rating:

Valvoline Advanced Full Synthetic SAE 0W-20 Motor Oil

Valvoline isn't a no-biggie in the synthetic oil industry. It's a brand that provides oil products that racers have trusted for years. One product that you might like is the Valvoline SynPower. Whether it's motorized tools, motorcycles, cars, or heavy equipment vehicles, this product provides the improved performance that you need.

The manufacturer didn't add any artificial coloration to this product. Valvoline Synpower features a standard oil color of transparent brown. For other users, the color is white. Since its color isn't artificial. It's easier to check this oil for dirt and determine when to drain or change it.

As for performance, Valvoline Synpower didn't disappoint. We used this product in an old vehicle with a failing engine. Upon starting the car, starting the vehicle was easier. Moreover, the smoke that came out of the engine's exhaust was cleaner.

The visoscity of Valvoline Synpower is a bit light. This is the only thing that we don't like about this product. It glugs easily when poured on the oil storage or oil valve of the engine.


  • Provides cleaner combustion to the engine
  • Doesn't use artificial coloring
  • Comes from a brand that produces oils for racing car engines
  • Anti-wear additives that provide more wear protection
  • Has low viscosity formulation

Backyard's Rating:

Castrol Edge 0W-20Advanced Full Synthetic Motor Oil

The Castor Edge doesn't disappoint if you want conventional oil for engines that has good viscosity. This product's think blend makes it an ideal choice if you're living in an area with abrupt temperature changes. Due to its high viscosity, Castor Edge doesn't fail to work well in hot or cold conditions. Therefore, get this product if you don't want to change your car's engine oil as the seasons change.

According to the manufacturer, this product wraps the components of the engine with a thin protective film to prevent marring. If this is true, then Castor Edge is highly ideal for high-performance or high-speed vehicles that usually traverse difficult terrains. This also makes this product great for heavy-duty motorized construction equipment.

A disadvantage with Castor Edge is that its promise is only true to engines made By Toyota, Honda, Acura, and Lexus. As for other vehicles that use 0w20 oil, you might have to ask your local mechanic before buying this product.


  • Covers the components of the engine with a protective film and prevents marring
  • High viscosity and works well in cold and hot temps
  • Ideal for heavy-duty engines
  • Superior engine protection
  • Only works great for specific types of engines
  • Might promote oil-related engine failures

Backyard's Rating:

Shell Rotella Full Synthetic 0W 20 Motor Oil For SUVs and Pickups

Shell Rotella didn't come up while we were researching the best 0w20 oil. However, a friend mechanic recommended it to us saying that it has good promise. We tested this on a 4x4 Toyota Fortuner Pickup truck and found it quite intriguing.

This oil makes the engine more silent. However, it doesn't affect the engine's temperature and power. Still, we like the fact that it can considerably reduce the noise of the engine. This might denote that it does well in preventing the inner components from having exessive contact with each other.

A concerning thing about Shell Rotella is that it's too thinly formulated for a 0w20 oil. Moreover, it's only great for SUV and Pickup. This means that this isn't the oil that you need if you own different types of vehicles. Another issue is that Shell Rotella has a bad reputation in the market. Nevertheless, the claims are subject to the personal circumstances of the users .


  • Reduces the noise of the engine
  • Good for boosting engine performance
  • Has a bad reputation on the market
  • Too thinly formulated for an 0w 20 oil

Backyard's Rating:

Royal Purple 0W20 Synthetic Engine Oil

A lot of good things are on the internet about the Royal Purple. That's why we tested this product out. Basically, this product provides justice for the praises that it gets. This product improves acceleration. For example, the Honda City ZX MT, which we used for testing this synthetic oil, accelerated from 30 kph to 60 kph in just 1 kilometer compared to the past performance of 30 kph to 60 kph within 2 kilometers.

We also like the fact that it stabilizes the combustion of the engine. We tried this product in an old vehicle and found out that the interval of its ignition significantly improved. We know this because the engine had a stable humming sound and it doesn't turn off immediately when the gas pedal is pressed.

Our only concern is the purple coloration of this product. Be sure to keep Royal Purple out of reach of children because its purple color looks very enticing. We wish for the manufacturers to redo this. Still, this is just a minor issue that you don't have to think a lot about.


  • Improves the acceleration of the engine
  • Stabilizes the combustion of the engine
  • Comes with a spring lock to prevent spillage
  • Boosts fuel efficiency
  • Patented additive technology prevents the white sludge and lubrication starvation
  • This product's purple coloration might fool children to think that it's a treat or paint of some sort. Therefore, store this product somewhere out of children's reach.

Backyard's Rating:

Pennzoil Platinum 0W-20 Full Synthetic Motor Oil

Pennzoil is for you if you're one of those who are concerned about the effects of motorization on the environment. This product features a synthetic blend that's made out of unprocessed natural gas. Such ingenious formulation allows any engine, which this product is poured on, to lessen carbon emissions, thereby becoming a green transport.

Still, the natural-synthetic blend doesn't come without problems. For instance, this product might display a lagging performance compared to the other best ow2o oils in this list. Also, it might take a while for the car's engine to get used to this product. Therefore, don't expect immediate results upon using Pennzoil Platinum Motor Oil.


  • Made from natural gas, not crude oil
  • Lessens the carbon emission of any engine
  • Great for cars that use green engine technology
  • Provides better fuel efficiency
  • The formulation isn't very trusty
  • Doesn't show immediate effects upon first-time use

Backyard's Rating:

Mobil 1 0W-20 Advanced Fuel Economy Full Synthetic Motor Oil

Of course, Mobil is one of the most trusted brands when it comes to conventional oils with great synthetic blends. A product that you might like from it is the Mobil 1 ow2o oil. We haven't got the time to test it ourselves. Nevertheless, according to other users, this product can reduce the engine's gas consumption and improve its mileage.


  • Makes the engine more gas efficient
  • Protects the engine against wear
  • The container isn't anti-spill


An oil change might be all it takes for you to make your vehicle or motorized tool perform better. Get the product that we recommended if you want to use an 0w 20 oil with highly trusted results. The other options here are great too if you're looking for oils with balanced effects, hardy to temperature changes, improves fuel economy, provides better acceleration, engine protection, better engine performance etc. Be careful to take the correct oil to the correct car for example if you have a diesel engine or a car with high mileage. Before we end, we just want you to know that the effects of oils on engines are case-specific. As a result, your observations upon using any of these oils might be different from ours.

Last Updated on June 16, 2021 by Nelson


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